Implementing Scalable Rate Limiting in a Distributed Environment with Lua Scripts and Redis Sorted Sets

Mahdieh Asiyaban
3 min readOct 17, 2023



Rate limiting is an essential technique for controlling the flow of traffic to your application, preventing it from becoming overwhelmed. While implementing a rate limiter for a single server is relatively straightforward, scaling it for multiple servers and concurrent threads poses significant challenges. In this article, we will explore two key challenges associated with distributed rate limiting: race conditions and synchronization issues. We’ll also discuss how to overcome these challenges using Lua scripts and Redis Sorted Sets.

Understanding the Challenges:

1. Race Condition:

In a distributed environment, race conditions are common issues that can lead to incorrect rate-limiting decisions. Imagine two requests concurrently reading the counter value from a shared resource like Redis. They both check if (counter + 1) exceeds the threshold and then increment the counter value by 1 in Redis. If not managed correctly, both requests may believe they have the correct counter value, leading to inaccuracies in rate limiting.

2. Synchronization Issue:

Locks are often used to address race conditions, but they can introduce contention and slow down the system. To tackle this, we will explore two advanced strategies: Lua scripts and Redis Sorted Sets.

Leveraging Lua Scripts:

Lua, a lightweight scripting language embedded in Redis, is a powerful tool for addressing race conditions in distributed rate limiting.

Atomic Operations:

Lua scripts allow us to execute multiple Redis commands as a single atomic transaction. This ensures that multiple clients cannot interfere with each other while accessing shared resources.

Conditional Updates:

With Lua scripts, you can perform conditional updates to Redis data structures. This ensures that the counter value is updated only when specific conditions are met, making rate-limiting decisions more accurate.

Example Lua Script for Rate Limiting:

Let’s explore a simple Lua script for rate limiting:

local counter = tonumber(‘get’, KEYS[1]))
if counter < tonumber(ARGV[1]) then‘incr’, KEYS[1])‘expire’, KEYS[1], ARGV[2])
return 1
return 0

In this script, we check if the counter is below the threshold. If it is, we increment the counter and set an expiration time. This guarantees consistent rate limiting.

Redis Sorted Sets for Precision:

Redis Sorted Sets are efficient data structures for maintaining sorted collections of unique elements. When it comes to rate limiting, Redis Sorted Sets shine.

Time-Based Rate Limiting:

By adding timestamps of requests to a Sorted Set, you can precisely control the rate of incoming requests within specific time windows, allowing for more accurate rate limiting.


Redis Sorted Sets provide commands like ZREMRANGEBYSCORE, which allow you to efficiently remove outdated timestamps, keeping the data structure compact and performance-efficient.


Creating a rate limiter in a distributed environment is a challenging task, but the use of Lua scripts and Redis Sorted Sets offers robust solutions. Lua scripts ensure atomic operations and conditional updates, preserving the integrity of the rate-limiting process. Redis Sorted Sets offer precise time-based rate limiting, ensuring accurate control over request flow.

By combining these techniques, you can design a scalable and reliable rate limiter for your distributed application, guaranteeing smooth operation even under heavy traffic loads. These strategies empower you to maintain control over your application’s performance and protect it from potential overload.



Mahdieh Asiyaban
Mahdieh Asiyaban

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